Hair transplant - Follicular unit extraction (FUE)

Cost range
  • USA
    $1 000 - $18 700
  • Mexico
    $935 - $3 200
  • Poland
    $1 370 - $5 500
  • Turkey
    $2 000 - $4 5000
  • View all
Fast facts
  • 1 procedure takes 4-8 hours;
  • Result in 10-15 months;
  • FUE transplant costs can vary by thousands of EURO's depending on specific factors;
  • Doesn't require general anesthesia;
  • Need to take pain medications for several days after procedure;
  • Downtime period 2-5 days;
What is hair transplant procedure?

Hair transplant procedure - the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a type of hair transplant procedure widely used to address hair loss. It's known for being less invasive compared to older methods like Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT). It's a type of surgery that moves hair you already have to fill an area with thin or no hair.

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What are the advantages of the hair transplant procedure?

1. Natural hair growth: One of the primary advantages is the natural-looking results. Transplanted hair grows just like natural hair, blending seamlessly with the existing hair.
2. Permanent solution: Unlike some other hair loss treatments that require ongoing usage, a hair transplant offers a more permanent solution. The transplanted hair generally continues to grow throughout the patient's lifetime.
3. Improved self-esteem: Hair loss can significantly affect self-confidence and self-perception. A successful hair transplant can restore a fuller head of hair, which in turn can improve self-esteem and overall quality of life.
4. Low maintenance: After the initial recovery period, the transplanted hair typically requires no special maintenance. It can be washed, cut, and styled just like normal hair.
5. Reduced balding: For many patients, hair transplants effectively reduce the visibility of thinning areas or bald spots, providing a more youthful and healthier appearance.
6. Customizable and versatile: Hair transplants can be tailored to fit the patient's specific needs, whether addressing small areas of thinning or more extensive balding patterns. The procedure is suitable for both men and women with various types of hair loss.
7. Advancements in techniques: Modern techniques like FUE and FUT have made hair transplants less invasive, with more natural-looking results and reduced recovery times compared to older methods.
8. One-time trocedure: Although some patients may choose to have multiple sessions to achieve their desired density, many patients are satisfied with the results after just one procedure.
9. No need for artificial looks: Unlike wigs or hairpieces, which may not always look natural, hair transplants utilize the patient's hair, ensuring a more natural appearance.
10. Safety: Hair transplant procedures are generally safe when performed by qualified and experienced surgeons. The risk of complications is relatively low.

It's important for anyone considering a hair transplant to have realistic expectations and to discuss their goals and potential results with a qualified hair restoration specialist. Additionally, the success of the procedure can depend on factors like the quality and density of the donor hair, the patient's overall health, and adherence to post-operative care instructions.

Can anyone get hair transplant procedure?

To be suitable for an FUE hair transplant, individuals should have:
1. Adequate healthy hair in the donor area (usually the back and sides of the scalp).
2. Hair loss primarily due to androgenetic alopecia (pattern baldness).
3. Stable hair loss pattern, preferably individuals over 25 years of age.
4. Favorable hair characteristics like color, texture, and curliness.
5. Good scalp flexibility to facilitate follicle extraction.
6. Overall good health, with no chronic conditions that could impact surgery or healing.
7. Realistic expectations about the procedure's outcomes.
8. Non-smokers, or willingness to quit smoking before and after the procedure.
It's important to consult a hair restoration specialist for a personal evaluation.

How should you prepare for a hair transplant procedure?

Preparing for a hair transplant procedure involves several steps to ensure the best possible outcome and a smooth recovery. Here are some general guidelines:
- Medications: Inform your surgeon about all medications you are taking. You may be advised to stop certain medications like blood thinners or anti-inflammatory drugs several days before the surgery.
- Smoking and alcohol: Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption for at least a week before the procedure, as they can impede healing.
- Don't cut your hair short before the procedure, as longer hair in the donor area can help cover post-surgical sites.
- Wash your hair the day before or the morning of the procedure. Avoid applying any hair products.
- Arrange for someone to drive you home after the procedure, as you might be under the influence of sedatives or pain medication.
- Prepare your home/accomondation place with supplies for post-surgical care, such as ice packs, fresh pillows, and anything else your surgeon recommends.
- During the procedure, it is necessary to shave the hair.

Remember, these are general guidelines, and your surgeon may provide specific instructions tailored to your individual case. It's crucial to follow these instructions closely to ensure the best results and a safe, efficient recovery.

How painful is hair transplant procedure?

None to slight.
Hair transplant procedures (FUE), are generally not very painful due to the use of local anesthesia.
Patients might feel some discomfort from anesthesia injections initially, but the procedure itself is typically pain-free. Post-surgery, mild to moderate pain or soreness can occur, which is usually manageable with over-the-counter pain medication. The level of discomfort varies from person to person, but it's often less than expected and subsides within a few days. Techniques like FUE are less invasive, leading to reduced post-operative pain compared to older methods.

How long it take the hair transplant procedure?

The duration of a hair transplant procedure - Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), can vary widely depending on several factors.
Generally, it can take anywhere from 4 to 8 hours, but here are the key factors that influence the time:
1. Number of grafts: The more hair grafts needed to cover the balding areas, the longer the procedure will take. Some extensive sessions may even be split over two consecutive days.
2. Skill and Technique of the Surgeon: Experienced surgeons may perform the procedure more efficiently, but they also take care not to rush, ensuring quality results.
3. Patient factors: Individual factors like the ease of extracting and implanting hair, the texture of the hair, and the condition of the scalp can also affect the duration.
For a more accurate estimate, it's best to consult with a hair transplant specialist who can assess your specific needs. They can provide a more personalized timeline based on the extent of hair loss and the number of grafts required.

Is undergoing hair transplant procedure a worthwhile decision?

A high satisfaction rate of 95% is reported by many patients who attribute their fuller head of hair and enhanced self-confidence to the hair transplant procedure. Praise is often directed towards the surgeon's meticulous attention to detail.
On the flip side, individuals who deemed the treatment ""Not Worth It"" cited suboptimal outcomes such as a ""pluggy"" or sparse appearance, and transplanted hairs pointing in unnatural directions, often attributed to inadequate technique by their providers.
To maximize the value of your investment, selecting an experienced and skilled surgeon who pays careful attention to details is crucial.

What are the risks and side effects of hair transplant procedure?

Like any surgery, hair transplants carry risks such as bleeding, infection, scarring, and the possibility of unnatural-looking new hair growth. Some individuals may experience folliculitis (inflammation or infection of hair follicles) or shock loss (sudden loss of original hair in the treated area). While these issues are generally temporary, it's essential to discuss potential risks and expected improvement with your doctor before deciding on the procedure.

Are there alternatives to hair transplant procedure?

1. Medications: Minoxidil: An over-the-counter topical treatment applied to the scalp. It's most effective for early stages of hair loss and can help slow down balding or even stimulate hair growth in some cases. Finasteride: A prescription oral medication for men, effective in slowing hair loss and promoting hair regrowth in some men.
2. Low-level Laser therapy (LLLT):
This non-invasive therapy uses laser light to stimulate hair follicles and promote growth. It's often used in the form of a laser comb or helmet.
3. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy:
PRP therapy involves drawing the patient's blood, processing it to concentrate the platelets, and then injecting it into the scalp. It's believed to stimulate natural hair growth by increasing blood supply to the hair follicle.
4. Scalp Micropigmentation: A cosmetic procedure where pigment is tattooed onto the scalp to create the look of a shaved head or to make thinning hair appear fuller.
5. Scalp Reduction or Flap surgery: Surgical procedures where parts of the scalp with hair are stretched and sewn together to cover bald areas.

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