Invisalign treatment (clear aligners)

Cost range
  • USA
    $4 450 - $11 600
  • Mexico
    $4 000 - $9 950
  • Poland
    $2 990 - $5 000
  • Turkey
    $2 500- $3 200
  • View all
Fast facts
  • No downtime;
  • No anesthesia;
  • Popular with adults who previously had braces but neglected to use a retainer;
  • Invisalign is the preferred choice for fixing overbites.
What is Invisalign?

Invisalign treatment utilizes a series of removable, clear aligners made from a flexible material called SmartTrack to address teeth misalignment, gaps, crowding, and mild bite issues. These transparent trays fit snugly over your teeth, worn continuously except during eating, drinking, or tooth brushing. While suitable for children, teens, and adults, Invisalign is particularly favored by adults seeking an alternative to traditional braces. Post-treatment, wearing a retainer is essential for maintaining the achieved alignment.

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What benefits do Invisalign offer?
  • 1. Aesthetic Appeal;
  • 2. Removable Convenience;
  • 3. Comfortable Experience;
  • 4. Customized Treatment;
  • 5. Efficient Teeth Straightening;
Success rate

Wearing each new set of aligners may cause initial discomfort. Allow time for adjustment as your mouth adapts to the foreign object.
The trays settle in after a few days, and biting on gauze or cotton can aid proper seating. Expect pressure or soreness, especially during the initial switch to a new aligner. The intensity diminishes as your teeth adjust. Some individuals may experience canker sores from sharp edges; consider sanding or using dental wax for relief. If discomfort persists, consult your orthodontist.

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What are the advantages of Invisalign?

1. Virtually Invisible Treatment:
Invisalign aligners are made from a clear, transparent material, making them nearly invisible when worn. This discreet feature is especially appealing to individuals who prefer a more inconspicuous orthodontic treatment.
2. Removable for Easy Cleaning:
Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign aligners are removable. This makes it easier to maintain good oral hygiene because you can take them out for regular brushing and flossing. It reduces the risk of food particles getting stuck in hard-to-reach places, promoting better gum health.
3. No Dietary Restrictions:
Invisalign aligners are removed during meals, eliminating the need for dietary restrictions. Patients can continue to enjoy their favorite foods without concerns about damage to braces or difficulties in cleaning after eating.
4. Comfortable and Minimally Invasive:
Invisalign aligners are custom-made to fit comfortably over the teeth. They don't involve the use of metal brackets or wires, reducing the likelihood of irritation or discomfort. The treatment is considered minimally invasive compared to traditional braces.
5. Shorter Treatment Duration for Some:
In certain cases, Invisalign treatment may offer a shorter duration compared to traditional braces. The exact timeline depends on individual orthodontic needs, but some patients may experience a faster and more efficient treatment process.
These advantages contribute to the popularity of Invisalign, providing patients with a more flexible and comfortable orthodontic experience.

What are the disadvantages of Invisalign?

1. Compliance Dependency: Success is contingent on consistent wear. Patients must wear the aligners for at least 22 hours per day, removing them only for eating and oral hygiene.
2. Speech Impediment: Some individuals may experience a temporary speech impediment or lisp when they first start wearing Invisalign aligners.
3. Removal for Eating: Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign requires removal during meals, which can be inconvenient for some users.
4. Cost: Invisalign treatment may be more expensive than traditional braces, and it might not be covered by insurance to the same extent.
5. Not Suitable for Severe Cases: Invisalign may not be suitable for complex orthodontic cases, and traditional braces might be recommended for more severe issues.
6. Maintenance: Aligners require diligent cleaning to prevent discoloration and maintain their transparency.
7. Discomfort with New Aligners: Some discomfort is common when transitioning to a new set of aligners. Most patients become adjusted to the feeling in 2 weeks.

How successful are Invisalign?

Wearing each new set of aligners may cause initial discomfort. Allow time for adjustment as your mouth adapts to the foreign object.
The trays settle in after a few days, and biting on gauze or cotton can aid proper seating. Expect pressure or soreness, especially during the initial switch to a new aligner. The intensity diminishes as your teeth adjust. Some individuals may experience canker sores from sharp edges; consider sanding or using dental wax for relief. If discomfort persists, consult your orthodontist.

How long does it take Invisalign treatment?

Typically takes about 12 to 18 months.

How should I take care of My Invisalign?

1. Clean Regularly: Brush and rinse your aligners daily to prevent plaque buildup.
2. Use Clear Soap: Use a clear, anti-bacterial soap to clean your aligners; avoid colored soaps to prevent staining.
3. Avoid Hot Water: Rinse aligners with cold or lukewarm water to prevent warping.
4. Stay Hydrated: Remove aligners before drinking anything other than water to avoid stains and odors.
5. Store Properly: When not in use, store aligners in their case to prevent loss or damage.
6. Maintain Oral Hygiene: Brush and floss your teeth before reinserting aligners to prevent trapping food particles.
7. Follow Guidelines: Adhere to your orthodontist's guidelines for wear duration and switch intervals.
8. Handle with Care: Use both hands to remove or insert aligners to prevent damage.

How long do Invisalign results last?

Your Invisalign results will last for as long as you wear your retainer.

What are the risks and side effects of Invisalign?

Invisalign is generally considered a safe and effective orthodontic treatment, but like any medical procedure, it comes with potential risks and side effects. Here are some considerations:
1. Discomfort: It's normal to experience some discomfort or pressure, especially when transitioning to a new set of aligners. This discomfort typically subsides after a few days.

2. Speech Issues: Some individuals may experience a temporary change in speech patterns or a slight lisp during the initial days of wearing Invisalign aligners.

3. Allergic Reactions: While rare, some people may be allergic to the materials used in Invisalign aligners. If you experience unusual symptoms, consult your orthodontist.

4. Tracking Issues: For the treatment to be effective, aligners must be worn consistently. Failure to wear them as prescribed can result in inadequate tooth movement.

5. Attachments: In certain cases, small attachments (tooth-colored bumps) may be necessary for more complex tooth movements. These attachments may be visible on the teeth.

6. Length of Treatment: Invisalign may not be suitable for severe orthodontic issues, and the treatment duration can vary depending on individual cases.

7. Maintenance: Proper care of aligners, regular cleaning, and following hygiene guidelines are crucial to prevent issues like cavities or gum problems.

8. Compliance: Success depends on patient compliance. If you don't follow your orthodontist's instructions, the treatment may not achieve the desired results.

Are there alternatives to Invisalign?

1. Traditional Braces: Metal or ceramic braces are affixed to the teeth and use wires and brackets to gradually move teeth into the desired position. They are effective for various orthodontic issues.
2. Lingual Braces: Like traditional braces, lingual braces involve brackets and wires, but they are placed on the back side of the teeth, making them less visible from the front and it takes longer duration term.

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