Luminners (Dental Veneers)

Cost range
  • USA
    $800 - $2 000
  • Mexico
    $310- $450
  • Turkey
    $200 - $500
  • View all
Fast facts
  • No downtime
  • May require local anesthesia
  • Quick results
  • 1-2 visits
  • Final procedure time - 2 hours
  • X-ray and bites impressions are collected
  • 3-4 week timeline to achieve your radiant smile.
What is Lumineers?

Lumineers, a popular brand of veneers, are commonly employed by dentists to conceal various dental imperfections such as chips, gaps, discoloration, and crooked teeth, ultimately enhancing the overall aesthetic of the smile. Crafted from Cerinate porcelain and affixed to the front surface of existing teeth, Lumineers are known for their thinner and more translucent nature compared to traditional porcelain veneers. The application procedure, typically involves two visits to a certified Lumineers dentist, often without the need for drilling or injections.

Market as ""No Prep Veneers,"" Lumineers are promoted as requiring less preparatory work than traditional porcelain veneers. While there are cases where no preparation is necessary, the majority may still require some level of preparation. The Lumineers objective is to minimize or eliminate the need for extensive tooth shaving before application. Nonetheless, the assertion that teeth must always be shaved before traditional veneers are applied is deemed false; each case is unique and should be evaluated individually.

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What benefits do Lumineers offer?
  • Aesthetic Enhancement
  • Minimal Tooth Preparation
  • Disguises Imperfections
  • Natural-looking
  • Non-Invasive
Success rate

The success rate of Lumineers is very high. However, it’s important to note that the success can vary depending on individual cases and the specific dental issues being addressed.

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What are the advantages of Lumineers?

1. Reduced Discomfort and Complications: Prior shaving of your teeth may not be necessary before Lumineers application, minimizing pain and lowering the risk of issues like tooth sensitivity (if applicable).

2. Targeted Coverage Like Traditional Veneers: Similar to traditional veneers, Lumineers can selectively cover only the specific teeth that concern you.

3. Versatile Solution for Dental Work Revitalization: Lumineers can effectively conceal old crowns or dental bridges, offering a convenient solution for refreshing previous dental work.

4. A Predictable, Aesthetic, non-invasive Choice: Veneers, including both traditional and Lumineers, have emerged as among the most reliable, aesthetically pleasing, and minimally invasive options for achieving a captivating smile makeover.

5. Quick Results: The entire process, from consultation to application, can often be completed in a shorter time frame compared to some other cosmetic dental procedures (Only 2 visits).

6. Customization: Lumineers can be customized to match the shape and color of the patient's natural teeth, allowing for a personalized and harmonious smile.

7. Reversibility: Unlike some irreversible dental procedures, Lumineers are reversible, allowing patients to return to their natural teeth if desired. But it require surface recovery procedures.

What are the disadvantages of Lumineers?

1. Less Natural Appearance than Porcelain Veneers: The outcomes of Lumineers may exhibit a bulkier and less natural look when compared to the aesthetic finesse achieved with porcelain veneers.

2. Potential for Plaque Accumulation and Gum Disease: Lumineers can create a small ledge at the gumline, which has the potential to trap plaque and contribute to the development of gum disease.

3. Limitations in Addressing Major Underlying Issues: While Lumineers are effective at concealing various imperfections, they may not fully mask significant underlying issues such as structural damage or severe discoloration. Treatment for very crooked teeth may necessitate prior correction with braces or clear aligners like Invisalign.

4. Irreversibility of Bonding Process: Both Lumineers and traditional porcelain veneers become permanent fixtures once bonded to enamel. Removing them without causing damage to the underlying teeth is nearly impossible, requiring surface recovery procedures.

5. Not Suitable for Severe Cases: Lumineers may not be suitable for individuals with severe dental issues, and alternative treatments may be more appropriate. For example, they might not be as effective at hiding severely stained or damaged teeth.

How successful are Lumineers Procedure?

The success rate of Lumineers is very high. However, it’s important to note that the success can vary depending on individual cases and the specific dental issues being addressed.

Can anyone get Lumineers?

Patients over 18. Lumineers are a versatile option suitable for a wide range of individuals looking to address various dental concerns and enhance the aesthetics of their teeth. They are particularly well-suited for individuals with:

1. Moderately stained or discolored teeth
2. Chipped teeth
3. Unwanted gaps between teeth
4. Moderately crooked teeth
5. Misshapen or small teeth
It's important to note that Lumineers may not be recommended for individuals at a high risk of tooth damage, including those with gum disease or individuals who clench and grind their teeth. To determine if Lumineers are the right choice for you, it is advisable to consult with a dental professional who can assess your specific situation and provide personalized recommendations.

How to prepare for a Lumineers Procedure?

Minimal preparation is needed for Lumineers, especially for individuals with small, flat teeth. Some dentists may recommend a gingivoplasty to shape the gums, requiring a 45-day healing period before Lumineers application.

How painful are Lumineers Procedure?

Compared with other dental procedures - painless. Patients typically experience minimal discomfort during the process.

How long does it take to get Lumineers Procedure?

First Appointment: Experience personalized care as your dentist examines your teeth, captures a mold, and sends it to the lab for custom Lumineers creation. Choose the perfect Lumineers color and transparency level during this comprehensive visit.

Waiting Period: Unlike traditional veneers, there's no need for temporary solutions. Your bespoke Lumineers will be ready in just 2 to 4 weeks.
Second Appointment: Witness the transformation during your second appointment as Lumineers are expertly bonded to your teeth. This efficient procedure typically takes between 1 and 2 hours.

Please be aware that timelines can vary based on individual cases and the unique practices of dental professionals. For the most accurate timeline, consult with our dental experts. Unlock your radiant smile with Lumineers – your journey begins with a consultation.

How long do Lumineers Procedure results last?

On average, Lumineers can last 10 to 20 years or even longer in some cases. However, it's important to note that they are not considered permanent, and they may eventually need replacement or maintenance.

Note: Protect from Teeth Grinding: If you grind your teeth, consider wearing a nightguard to protect both your natural teeth and Lumineers.

What are the risks and side effects of Lumineers Procedure?

Minor gum soreness and redness may persist for up to three weeks after the application of Lumineers. While gum bleeding is uncommon, it's advisable to inform your dentist if it occurs or if prolonged gum inflammation is experienced.

Additionally, some tooth sensitivity, particularly to cold foods and drinks, may be expected for up to a year. This sensitivity is consistent with what is often observed with traditional veneers.

Are there alternatives to Lumineers?

First option - revitalize your smile with professional teeth whitening, an effective solution for brightening stained teeth. However, for more substantial concerns like tooth structure damage or deep discoloration, consider these comprehensive options:
1. Porcelain Veneers: Boasting a natural translucence mimicking real teeth, porcelain veneers provide a durable solution lasting up to 20 years.
2. Dental Bonding: Address chipped, discolored, or broken teeth, and spacing issues with composite resin bonding. This cost-effective option, requiring just one dental visit, is not stain-resistant and typically lasts three to five years.
3. Dental Crowns: For decayed or cracked teeth in need of complete replacement, dental crowns, crafted from ceramic, metal, or a combination, are recommended. The process involves removing decayed areas, creating an impression, and crafting a durable crown.

Lumineers vs. Porcelain Veneers

The key contrast between Lumineers and traditional porcelain veneers lies in their thickness. Lumineers, being significantly thinner (about as thick as a contact lens and half as thick as traditional veneers), often eliminate the need to shave down natural teeth before attachment. While this can expedite the application process, some dentists caution that it may contribute to a bulkier appearance perceived as unnatural.

Another viewpoint centers on durability. Some dentists favor Lumineers over traditional veneers due to the implementation of a robust and durable material—lithium disilicate. This advanced material is noted for its strength compared to traditional porcelain and glass veneers.

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