
Cost range
  • USA
    $3 000 - $17 000 (avg. $6 800)
  • Mexico
    $1 230 - $6 600
  • Poland
    $2 800
  • Turkey
    $2 800
  • View all
Fast facts
  • 1 - 2 weeks downtime
  • Local or general anesthesia
  • Surgery time 2 - 3 hours
What is Liposuction Surgery?

Liposuction, or lipo, is a surgical body contouring procedure that expertly removes excess fat using a cannula and vacuum. Commonly chosen for localized fat pockets, it sculpts areas like the abdomen, thighs, and arms, enhancing aesthetic appeal.
With over 1.9 million global procedures in 2021, liposuction tops plastic surgery charts. It delivers dramatic, predictable results in one session, distinguishing it from nonsurgical alternatives.

Whether opting for lipo 360 or combining it with procedures like tummy tucks, liposuction offers a transformative journey. The removed fat can also be strategically transferred to areas like the face or butt for added volume.

Achieve a confident, revitalized you with liposuction, guided by experienced professionals. Explore the possibilities for a contoured and enhanced appearance.

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What benefits do Liposuction offer?
  • Targeted Fat Reduction;
  • Enhanced Body Contouring;
  • Boost in Confidence and Self-Esteem;
  • Quick and Effective Results;
  • Long-lasting Results.
Success rate

Liposuction is generally considered a successful procedure with high patient satisfaction rates. However, it’s important to note that success can be subjective and depends on individual patient goals and expectations.

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What are the advantages of Liposuction Surgery?

1. Permanent Fat Removal: Liposuction effectively eliminates stubborn body fat, providing a long-lasting solution.
2. Greater Volume Removal: Plastic surgeons can remove larger fat volumes in a single procedure compared to nonsurgical alternatives, as recommended by the ASPS.
3. Inconspicuous Scarring: While scars exist, they're minimal and strategically placed, often hidden in areas like the breast crease or arm pits.
4. Body Reshaping: Liposuction allows surgeons to reshape the body, creating hourglass figures in females and chiseled, muscular bodies in males.
5. Fat Transfer Enhancement: When combined with fat transfer, liposuction adds fullness to other areas, enhancing overall aesthetic results.
6. Positive Patient Reviews: Patients report better-fitting clothes, increased confidence, and a youthful feel. Many kickstart healthier lifestyles and improved fitness post-surgery.

Explore the transformative benefits of liposuction – reshape, restore, and rejuvenate with confidence.

What are the disadvantages of Liposuction Surgery?

1. Risks and Complications: Liposuction, like any surgery, carries risks such as infection, bleeding, and adverse reactions to anesthesia.
2. Scarring: Although incisions are small, scarring can occur, varying in extent based on healing processes and surgical techniques.
3. Uneven Results: Achieving perfect symmetry is challenging, influenced by factors like fat distribution and changes in skin elasticity. Asymmetry and dimpling, may arise, especially with inexperienced surgeons.
4. Fluid Imbalance: Removal of large fat volumes may lead to fluid imbalance, requiring proper post-operative care to mitigate complications.
5. Numbness or Sensation Changes: Temporary numbness may occur, but in some cases, individuals may experience prolonged or permanent changes.
6. Skin Irregularities: Liposuction can result in irregularities like dimpling or sagging, particularly in those with poor skin elasticity. Skin sagging post-fat removal may necessitate skin tightening procedures.
7. Potential Need for Additional Procedures: Loose or excess skin may not be addressed, requiring additional procedures for desired results.
8. Bruising and Swelling: Common postoperative effects, with recovery periods varying for each individual. Liposuction recovery may take up to two weeks, with potential swelling, bruising, numbness, and nerve pain.
9. Health Considerations: Not suitable for everyone, with increased risks for individuals with certain health conditions.

How Successful Liposuction Surgery?

80%. Liposuction is generally considered a successful procedure with high patient satisfaction rates. However, it’s important to note that success can be subjective and depends on individual patient goals and expectations.

Can anyone get Liposuction Surgery?

Liposuction is not recommended for individuals with underlying medical conditions such as heart disease, blood flow issues, diabetes, or compromised immune systems. Full disclosure of your medical history, including past procedures, allergies, and current medications, is essential during the initial consultation.
Choosing the right candidate ensures a safer procedure and enhances the likelihood of achieving desired results. For a personalized assessment, discuss your candidacy and expectations openly with your surgeon during the consultation.

For optimal liposuction outcomes, consider the following candidate prerequisites:
1. Body Mass Index (BMI): Ideal candidates boast a BMI of 30 or below, or are within 30% of their ideal weight.
2. Skin Tone and Elasticity: Candidates should exhibit good skin tone and elasticity for optimal results. Elasticity is crucial, as inadequate skin rebound may result in sagging post-fat removal.
3. Age Requirement: Candidates must be 18 years or older to undergo liposuction.

Assessing Skin Elasticity:
To evaluate skin elasticity, perform a simple ""pinch test."" If the skin swiftly rebounds after being pinched between your thumb and forefinger, it likely possesses sufficient elasticity for favorable post-liposuction results.

How should you prepare for a Liposuction Surgery?

1. Medical Evaluation: Prior to surgery, undergo lab testing or a medical evaluation to confirm your overall health and suitability for the procedure.
2. Medication Adjustment: If you're currently on medications, your doctor may provide specific instructions for adjusting or temporarily discontinuing certain medications.
3. Smoking and Vaping Cessation: Cease smoking or vaping to enhance blood flow, promote effective wound healing, and reduce the risk of infection.
4. Avoiding Certain Substances: Minimize bleeding risks by refraining from aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, and specific herbal supplements in the lead-up to surgery.
5. Arrange for Assistance: Plan for a supportive companion to drive you to and from the surgery venue and stay with you during the crucial first night post-surgery.
6. Dietary Considerations: Prioritize a healing-friendly diet rich in antioxidants and hydrating foods to boost overall health and enhance skin elasticity.

How painful is Liposuction Surgery?

The actual liposuction procedure is designed to be pain-free with the use of anesthesia. However, expect some discomfort during the recovery phase. You may experience soreness, swelling, and bruising in the first few days post-op, so plan for some time off work to allow for proper healing.

Discuss pain relief options with your healthcare provider. They can provide guidance on both prescription and over-the-counter medications to help make your recovery more comfortable.

How long does it take to get Liposuction Surgery?

The time required for a liposuction procedure can vary based on factors like the patient's size and the number of areas being treated. Here are some general estimates:
1. Liposuction on a single area usually takes less than an hour.
2. If multiple areas are treated simultaneously, the procedure may last two to three hours.
3. The surgery duration can range from 30 minutes to several hours, depending on the size of the treated area.
Please be aware that these are average durations, and the actual time may differ. For the most accurate estimate tailored to your specific situation, consult with your healthcare provider.

How long will your Liposuction Surgery results last?

The results of liposuction can vary from person to person. Liposuction provides a permanent reduction in fat cells; however, the longevity of your results is contingent on maintaining a stable weight.
If weight is gained, the remaining fat cells may enlarge, potentially compromising results or causing contour irregularities. In cases of significant weight gain, new fat cells may develop in treated areas, though the overall appearance remains improved compared to not having undergone liposuction.

Adopting a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and regular exercise is crucial, once you're sufficiently recovered to resume physical activity. While surgery-related soreness may limit full workouts initially, returning to regular exercise helps maintain results. Immediate post-surgery weight gains are common due to these restrictions.

It's vital to reintegrate regular exercise habits as soon as possible. Some patients may develop a false sense of confidence post-liposuction. To optimize and prolong the benefits, patients are advised to be more active and adopt healthier eating habits than before the surgery.

What are the risks and side effects of Liposuction Surgery?

Risks During Surgery:
1. Puncture wounds or injuries to other organs
2. Anesthesia complications
3. Burns from equipment, such as ultrasound probes
4. Nerve damage
5. Shock
6. Rarely, death

Risks Immediately After the Procedure:
1. Blood clot in the lungs
2. Excessive fluid in the lungs
3. Formation of fat clots

Specific Risks to Liposuction:
1. Contour irregularities: Skin may appear bumpy, wavy, or withered due to factors like uneven fat removal, poor skin elasticity, and scarring. These changes may be permanent.
2. Fluid buildup: Temporary pockets of fluid (seromas) under the skin may require drainage using a needle.
3. Numbness: Temporary or permanent numbness in treated areas, with potential irritation of nerves.
4. Infection: While rare, skin infections can occur and may pose a severe, life-threatening risk.
5. Internal puncture: In rare instances, the thin tube used during surgery may penetrate too deeply, potentially puncturing an internal organ, necessitating emergency surgery.

Are there alternatives to Liposuction Surgery?

Yes, there are several alternatives to liposuction surgery. Here are a few:

1. CoolSculpting:
- Non-invasive procedure;
- Freezes fat cells under the skin;
- Gradual breakdown and removal of destroyed fat cells by the liver.

2. truSculpt:
- Non-invasive treatment;
- Utilizes radiofrequency technology to break down fat cells.

3. BodyTite:
- Minimally invasive procedure;
- Employs radiofrequency-assisted lipolysis (RFAL) to break down and remove fat;
- Aids in skin tightening.

4. Laser Lipolysis:
- Non-invasive body sculpting;
- Targets small fat deposits;
- Less painful than surgical liposuction with a shorter and simpler recovery.

5. Laser-Assisted Liposuction:
- Combines surgical liposuction elements with laser technology;
- Requires small incisions and instruments under the skin;
- Less invasive than traditional liposuction with a more straightforward recovery.

It's crucial to recognize that the effectiveness of these procedures may vary based on individual factors such as body type, health, and lifestyle.

How long does it take to recover from Liposuction Surgery?

Understanding the recovery timeline after liposuction is essential, recognizing that it varies for each individual and is influenced by the extent of the surgery. Here's a simplified overview:

1. 1 -6 weeks. Immediate Recovery:
- Returning to work: 5 to 7 days (depends on treated areas and technique);
- Wearing compression garment for 12 hours a day: 3 to 4 weeks;
- Resuming physical activities (exercise): 4 to 6 weeks.

3. 3 Months. Long Term recovery:
- Swelling reduction over this period.

4. Several Months:
- Complete resolution of swelling;
- Full revelation of liposuction results.

It's important to note that the recovery process is unique to each person and is influenced by the specific type of liposuction performed.

When is it safe to fly after Liposuction Surgery?

In general, it's advisable to wait around 10-14 days post-liposuction surgery before flying. During this period, taking precautionary measures such as short walks during the flight and wearing compression stockings is recommended.
For shorter flights lasting 1-2 hours, some individuals may receive clearance for travel within a few days to a week after surgery. The specific timeline depends on factors such as overall health and the progress of recovery. It's essential to follow personalized guidance from your healthcare provider to ensure a safe and comfortable travel experience.

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